Thursday, April 17, 2008

What Shoe Are You?

I took the quiz.

You Are Loafers

You are confident, powerful, and successful.
Hard working and business like, you always dress and act appropriately.

You are consistent and a bit conservative.
You aren't really susceptible to trends, although you always dress well.

While you tend to be formal, you know how to adapt to your surroundings.
So are professional at work... but more laid back when your with your friends.

You should live: In a huge city

You should work: In a competitive field where you can rise to the top

I'm not so sure I fit the above description, but there's one thing for sure -- I'm a shoe nut! I have way too many for my closet, but it is such fun to have something for every occasion. I buy shoes, t-h-e-n I find an outfit to go with them. How about you? Do you have a fetish for shoes?

Life at the parsonage .... well shod and ready to go!


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