Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Scripture Memory Challenge

This is segment five of our scripture memorization -- all ready! I am so excited to be doing this. This plan is simple and will help me to be consistent.

Consistent. A word that can be a challenge for me in some areas. Case in point: This is March 4 and I was supposed to put this post up on March 1. :) Anyway, here's verse 5:

"You hem me in -- behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me."

Psalm 139:5

If you are memorizing scripture, I would love for you to share what you are working on right now.



Cathy said...

Good verse. I'm working on one from Exodus right now.

MiMi said...

I was a little tardy in getting my memory verse posted, too. That is a great verse that you chose.

The verse that I am currently working on is:

"Show me YOUR ways, O Lord, teach me YOUR paths;
guide me in YOUR truth and teach me, for YOU are God my Savior, and my hope is in YOU all day long." Psalm 25:4-5 (NIV)