Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Today I was reading Sarah's blog about the plethora of toothbrushes that her family has and the smorgasbord of toothpaste as well. This made me think of areas I have around here. The toothbrush/toothpaste department at our house is fine only because there are only two adults living here.

BUT......I have stuff! A garage full of it! I must confess that I love decor accessories and kitchen gadgets and I have toys for my grandchildren all stuffed in a small parsonage -- in the garage actually because the house will not neatly store them. My husband has often asked me "why did you buy that". To be honest, I have done my share of excessive purchasing but I am a pastor's wife I also have a lot of dear friends who give me gifts -- wonderful gifts. I keep the gifts (most of them).

When we were first married, money was really tight and I learned to recycle and redo, therefore, I did not throw something away if I thought I might be able to use it later. The "if you haven't used it in a year throw it away" philosophy did not fit my budget.

Now that my nest is empty I have started downsizing. It is a work in progress. Not only am I downsizing physically but I have been taking spiritual inventory for any excess in my heart that God has not placed there. This, too, is a work in progress.

How about you. Do you have excess in your life physically and/or spiritually? Has God already brought you through this? If so, please share your victory.




Anonymous said...

Hi, Sherry. I've been recovering from a lack of sleep and company, but am glad to get back to visiting my favorite blogs. Confessions--I used to get upset with Mike because he had so much stuff. When I get to organizing it, it is mostly mine. I always thought I was fairly neat, but I do have some areas of excess physically and spiritually that God and I plan to sort out! Good post. Love, Annette

Alene said...

Girl, I've got so much stuff it paralyzes me. I'm not sure whre to start clearing it all out, but one thing is for certain -- I gotta start. I'm being over taken. Urgh!