Thursday, August 6, 2009

Scripture Memory Challenge

This is about 5 days late but my verse for August 1 - 14 is:

"You watched me as I was being formed in
utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the
dark of the womb.
Psalm 139:15 (NLT)

I remember my mom reading this verse to me when I was a child. I tried to picture what this verse was portraying; I was being created in dark seclusion! I didn't quite got the picture then, but as an adult learning more about the creation and birth of a child and all the technology we now have to be able to see a child in utero, it's much more possible to picture what the Psalmist was saying.

When we took the Lamaze classes preparing for the birth of our son, I was so amazed to learn that every cell must reach it's exact destination at the exact time or, to put it very simply, things can get messed up and chances are, it will naturally abort.

I remember reading a joke about God and a scientist talking. The scientist proudly told God that creating a man was no big deal -- he could do that.

God says, "Oh really? Show me."

The scientist then reaches down to pick up a handful of dirt and God says, "No, No! Get you own dirt!"

Our brilliant scientists today may be able to clone an animal or person, they still have to start with God's "dirt".

What a Creator we have! And, He desires for us to get to know Him intimately! That means you, too! Do you have a close and personal relationship with your Creator - the almighty God of heaven and earth? If not, He's waiting. He won't turn you away -- I promise!


1 comment:

Faye said...

Sherry, as always you are such a blessing to me! Thank-u for your post. Hope you have a great weekend! Blessings, Faye