Saturday, January 2, 2010

Abundant Blessings

As an old year melts away and a new one is stretched out before us, we have a tendancy to reflect on the year passed. Some years are filled with troubles and heartache and we are more than glad to see them fade away. Other years are filled with great accomplishments, good times, overflowing with blessings and peace. Even in the years that will not make our most cherished list, we can always find things worthy of thanksgiving. Actually, the Bible instructs us give thanks in all things. Some days that can be difficult, but if we do it, we will begin to see our attitude shift and our spirit life.

2009 - a wonderful year for me and my family. Yes, there have been negative things, a few miner health issues, some set-backs, but overall, there have been so many things to be thankful for. Family is always at the top of my list.

Here are few pictures of some of my blessings:

My son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, grandson
and new granddog.

So precious!

These two are gifts from heaven!

And of course, the wonderful man in my header picture.

Family and friends are gifts that money cannot buy. I am "blessed with love".



Cathy said...

You have a beautiful family Sherry. May God continue to bless you in 2010.

Carol said...

Wishing you a wonderful 2010!


valerie said...

What great pictures!
The kids' family picture is perfect. There's usually at least one who doesn't cooperate. Even the little doggie posed perfectly.